Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
phones, rely on them. Programmers who need to use error-
correcting codes should search out complete topics on the
topic, which is large and engaging.
Further Reading
Shu Lin and Daniel J. Costello's book, Error Control Cod-
ing , is one of the classic treatments in the area. [LC04]
Jessica J. Fridrich, Miroslav Goljan, Petr Lisonek and David
Soukal discuss the use of Michael Luby's LT Codes as
a foundation for building better versions of perturbed
quantization discussed in Section 14.4.2. They are like
error-correcting codes that are computed when some of
the bits can't be changed. These graph-based codes can
be faster to compute than matrix-based solutions.[Lub02,
WojciechMazurczyk and Krzysztof Szczypiorski found that
gorithms work around missing packets— or packets re-
placed with hidden messages.[MS08]
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