Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Neal Koblitz. A Course in Number Theory and Cryptog-
raphy . Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg,
London, Paris, Tokyo, 1987.
John Kominek. Convergence of fractal encoded images.
In J. A. Storer and M. Cohn, editors, Data Compression
Conference 1995 , pages 242-251, Snowbird, UT, USA,
March 1995.
Farinaz Koushanfar, Gang Qu, and Miodrag Potkonjak.
Intellectual property metering. In Fourth Information
Hiding Workshop , 2001.
Hugo Krawczyk. Secret sharing made short. In CRYPTO
'93: Proceedings of the 13th annual international cryp-
tology conference on Advances in cryptology , pages 136-
146, New York, NY, USA, 1994. Springer-Verlag New
York , Inc.
Martin Krzywinski. Port knocking. Linux Journal ,June
Martin Krzywinski. Port knocking: Network authentica-
tion across closed ports. SysAdmin Magazine , 12:12-17,
Mehdi Kharrazi, Husrev T. Sencar, and Nasir Memon.
Performance study of common image steganography
and steganalysis techniques. Journal of Electronic Imag-
ing , 15(4), 2006.
Michael Kearns and Leslie Valient. Cryptographic lim-
itations on learning boolean formulae and finite au-
tomata. In Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual ACM
Symposium on Theory of Computing , pages 433-444,
Seattle, WA, May 1989.
J. C. Lagarias. Performance analysis of shamir's attack
on the basic merkle-hellman knapsack cryptosystem.
In Proceedings of the 11th Colloquium on Automata,
Languages and Programming , pages 312-323, London,
UK, 1984. Springer-Verlag.
Shu Lin and Daniel J. Costello. Error Control Coding,
Second Edition . Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River,
NJ, USA, 2004.
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