Cryptography Reference
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Daniel Gruhl, Anthony Lu, and Walter Bender. Echo
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Rosario Gennaro, Tal Rabin, Stanislav Jarecki, and Hugo
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Wendy Grossman. alt.scientology.war. Wired , 3(2), De-
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Nicholas Zhong-Yang Ho and Ee-Chien Chang. Resid-
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Paul Heckbert. Color image quantization for frame
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Frank Hartung and Bernd Girod. Fast public-key wa-
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David Hillman. The structure of reversible one-dimen-
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Martin Hirt. Multi-Party Computation: Efficient Proto-
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Zurich, September 2001. Reprint as vol. 3 of ETH Se-
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Martin Hirt and Kazue Sako. Efficient receipt-free vot-
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