Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information hip.htm Hide In
Picture stores information in the least significant bits of image
files. In The Picture hides infor-
mation in 4-bit, 8-bit and 24-bit images. The software can also
store multiple files protected with different passwords. MixMaster is an excel-
lent set of tools for running and using anonymous remailers. EncryptPic hides
information in 24-bit BMP images after scrambling them with
the Cast algorithm. An-
drew Brown wrote S-Tools, one of the first programs for hiding
information in image and sound files. Invisible Se-
crets is a shareware program for storing information in the
usual places. It is a well-designed and highly polished program.
A version supported by banner ads is also available. S-Mail hides
information in x86 executable files (.exe or .dll) The programs
still work after the information is inserted. Camouflage is a basic tool
for compressing, encrypting and then appending the informa-
tion to the end of a file. The information isn't inserted stegano-
graphically into the actual data, it's just stuck at the end. This is
often good enough an is guaranteed not to leave any distortion
to the cover file. wbStego is a polished, professional
tool for hiding information in sound, image and text formats.
The latest version can also store them in Adobe PDF files in or-
der to help establish ownership. If youwant to hide information in
a scrambled directory on your hard drive, Scramdisk provides
the mechanism.
Fabien A. P. Petitcolas createdMP3Stego for hiding information
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