Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information Steganos sells a suite of security prod-
ucts that includes The Safe, a “hard drive that disappears at the
click of a button. ” This is the JSteg soft-
ware enhanced with a Windows shell. The JPHide and JPSeek
JPEGcoefficients using classical algorithms. The software keeps
track of the change in the statistical profile of the coefficients to
help you avoid steganalysis. (See Chapter 17.) Compris sells TextHide and Text-
Sign,a software programs that hide information by changing
the structure of sentences. The text should, in theory, say the
same thing after the extra information is inserted. Mark Chapman created NiceText as
his master's thesis project during his time at the University of
Wisconsin studying with George Davida. The software assem-
bles a dictionary and classifies words to make it possible to ap-
proximate styles while also hiding information in text. [CD97]
See also . DataMark Technologies sells four
programs using steganography. One offers watermarking, one
embeds raw information, one adds a digital signature to an
image, and one builds a “safe”. Stealth Encrypt bundles a stega-
nography wizard with its security suite. Hide4PGP
stores data in the least significant bit of either BMP or WAV files.
It's a small, free program. BlindSide hides information in bitmap-
ped images after using a proprietary encryption algorithm for
extra protection. The Steghide software is a GPL-
protected package started by Stefan Hetzl for hiding informa-
tion in the least significant bits of images (BMPs) or sound files
(WAVor AU).
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