Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
2.1 Pure White
In the early years of the 21st century, Pinnacle Paint was purchased
by the MegaGoth marketing corporation in a desperate attempt to
squeeze the last bit of synergy from the world. The executives of
MegaGoth, who were frantic with the need to buy something they
didn't already own so they could justify their existence, found them-
selves arguing that the small, privately owned paint company fit
nicely into their marketing strategy for dominating the entertain-
ment world.
Although some might argue that people choose colors with their
eyes, the executives quickly began operating under the assumption
that people purchased paint that would identify them with some-
thing. People wanted to be part of a larger movement. They weren't
choosing a color for a room, they were buying into a lifestyle—how
dare they choose any lifestyle without licensing one from a conglom-
erate? The executives didn't believe this, but they were embarrassed
to discover that their two previous acquisitions targets were already
owned by MegaGoth. Luckily, their boss didn't know this either when
he gave the green light to those projects. Only the quick thinking of
a paralegal saved them from the disaster of buying something they
already owned and paying all of that tax.
One of the first plans for MegaGoth/Pinnacle Paints is to take
the standard white paint and rebottle it in new and different prod-
uct lines to target different demographic groups. Here are some of
Megagoth's plans:
Moron and Moosehead's Creative Juice What would the two lovable
animated characters paint if they were forced to expand their
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