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This won't tell them who initiated the data packet, but it will give
them a view of the data itself and this can be quite useful. This prob-
lem can be reduced by using SSL to negotiate a separate encrypted
channel between the sender and the final destination for the data.
10.7.1 Establishing a Circuit
The Onion Routing protocol builds its circuits up step by step by ne-
gotiating with each step along the circuit. Here are the steps involved
in building the chain illustrated in Figures 10.2 and 10.3:
1. Alice decides she wants to send some packets of data to Bob
using the Onion Routing network.
2. She chooses server
S alpha at random from a list of servers that
accept incoming circuits. This is often called the entry node .
S alpha negotiate a key. The latest version of the
Onion Routing software uses ElGamal key exchange with es-
tablishedDiffie-Hellman keys because it has proven to be faster
than the RSA algorithms used in the original version. Call this
key alice,alpha . [ØS07a]
3. Alice and
S alpha .
She can extend this by choosing another server at random from
the network,
4. Alice now has a secure path between her computer and
S beta .
5. Alice does not communicate with
S beta directly; she uses
S alpha
as her proxy.
S beta doesn't even know that Alice exists because
all of
. Alice negotiates
a key by sending her half of the key establishment protocols
through her encrypted tunnel with
's communications are with
S a lpha
S alpha who sends them on
S beta on her behalf. Let's call the result of this negotiation:
keyalice, beta.
6. After Alice completes the key negotiation process with
S beta ,
key alice,beta provided by
S beta .This
she checks the signature on
S alpha from cheating and pretending to open up a new
circuit for
S beta or just setting up a fake man-in-the-middle at-
7. If the circuit was longer, Alice would repeat this negotiation
phase with a number of servers in the circuit.
8. Alice now has a circuit constructed with
S beta ,herproxyforthe
general Internet also called the exit node .Ifshesendsouta
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