Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
would be to break such a statistical system is an open question.
I believe that it would be possible to examine the statistics and
come up with a pretty good guess about the shape of the Huff-
man trees used to generate the text. There may only be a few
thousand options, which can be tested quite quickly if some
known plaintext is available.
For that reason, this system should probably be used in low-
grade applications that demand verisimilitude but not perfec-
How to Use It? No software is being distributed right now to handle
Further Reading
Krista Bennett offers a nice survey of textual stegano-
graphic methods in her report, “Linguistic Steganography:
Survey, Analysis, and Robustness Concerns for Hiding In-
formation in Text”. [Ben04]
Steganosaurus, from John Walker, is a C-based program
that will use a dictionary to turn bits into gibberish; see .[Wal94]
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