Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 3.16
bFGF expression in granulation tissue in the control group and in the chitosan group (bFGF-positive product
was brown, located in the cytoplasm). (a) Granulation tissue in the control group expressed less bFGF. (b)
Granulation tissue in the chitosan group expressed more bFGF.
the United States, and the costs associated with these ulcers have been estimated at $3.3
billion [158,159]. The material used for wound treatment is critical since material-wound
interactions may significantly influence healing prognoses. Chitosan was chosen because
of its acute wound-healing properties [160-164], Park et al. [165] developed chitosan scaf-
folds loaded with basic fibroblast growth factors (bFGFs) contained in gelatin microparti-
cles and tested for clinical relevance in an aged mouse model ( Figures 3.19 and 3.20) . These
Figure 3.17
EGF expression in regenerative mucosa in the control group and in the chitosan group (EGF-positive product
was brown, located in the cytoplasm and cell membrane). (a) Regenerative mucosa in the control group expressed
less bFGF. (b) Granulation tissue in the chitosan group expressed more bFGF.
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