Cryptography Reference
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Renegotiation Pitfalls and the Client Hello
Extension 0xFF01
Believe it or not, session renegotiation was found to be problematic. After all,
if negotiating a handshake in the clear is secure, then negotiating a handshake
using a previously negotiated cipher suite must be that much more secure,
right? In 2009, Marsh Ray and Steve Dispensa detailed a series of attacks that
could be used against session renegotiation (
Renegotiating_TLS.pdf ). The essential problem had nothing to do with session
renegotiation per se, but instead with the way that it was commonly deployed
across secure websites.
This is not a theoretical, academic attack — this attack breaks most protocols
that use TLS. It works like this: Imagine that the attacker has compromised a
router somewhere, or has falsely advertised himself as a wireless hotspot, and
the victim is routing all traffi c through the attacker. The attacker can change,
add, or delete packets at will. This is the essence of the man-in-the-middle
attack that TLS strives so hard to guard against. Now the victim, being security
conscious, connects to his banking site securely — the attacker cannot modify
the TLS handshake in any way without being detected. Let's say the victim just
wants to check his bank balance, so he logs in:
POST /bank/login.cgi HTTP/1.1
Connection: Close
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: session=12345
<a href=”checkbalance.cgi”>check bank balance</a>
<a href=”transferfunds.cgi”>transfer money</a>
So far, so good. The attacker can't eavesdrop on any of this because it's pro-
tected by the negotiated TLS parameters. The attacker does know, however,
that the victim is connected to IP address, which he can determine
is the IP address of through a DNS lookup. Now, the victim clicks on
“check bank balance.” In the absence of an active attack, this should result in a
TLS negotiation, followed by the HTTP query:
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