Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
issuer = ( struct asn1struct * ) signatureAlgorithmIdentifier->next;
validity = ( struct asn1struct * ) issuer->next;
subject = ( struct asn1struct * ) validity->next;
publicKeyInfo = ( struct asn1struct * ) subject->next;
extensions = ( struct asn1struct * ) publicKeyInfo->next;
if ( parse_huge( &target->serialNumber, serialNumber ) ) { return 2; }
if ( parse_algorithm_identifier( &target->signature,
signatureAlgorithmIdentifier ) )
{ return 3; }
if ( parse_name( &target->issuer, issuer ) ) { return 4; }
if ( parse_validity( &target->validity, validity ) ) { return 5; }
if ( parse_name( &target->subject, subject ) ) { return 6; }
if ( parse_public_key_info( &target->subjectPublicKeyInfo, publicKeyInfo ) )
{ return 7; }
if ( extensions )
if ( parse_extensions( target, extensions ) ) { return 8; }
return 0;
The only thing that makes the tbsCertificate structure tricky to parse is
the version number. The original designers of the X.509 structure didn't see fi t
to include a version number in it, so the version was added later on, necessitat-
ing an explicit tag as discussed previously. So, if the tag class of the fi rst node
is context-specifi c and the tag is explicit tag 0, it must be the version number
and the serial number follows as the next element. Otherwise, the version of the
certifi cate is 1 and the serial number is the fi rst element. To mix things up just
a bit more, the version number, if present, is contained within the explicit tag,
so you need to look for the fi rst child of the explicit tag. Almost all certifi cates
you fi nd on the public Internet these days include a version tag, but you must
be prepared to deal with a very, very old one.
Also, version 1 is identifi ed by the number 0, version 2 by the number 1, and
version 3 by the number 2. I think they're just messing with your head.
Whether a version number was supplied or not, the next element is the serial
number. Go ahead and parse this into a huge structure as shown in Listing 5-15,
although it is just treated as a byte array; you won't be performing any huge
math on it.
Listing 5-15: “x509.c” parse_huge
static int parse_huge( huge *target, struct asn1struct *source )
target->sign = 0;
target->size = source->length;
target->rep = ( char * ) malloc( target->size );
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