Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
send_to_server( &Yc );
receive_from_server( &Ys );
dh_finalize( p, &Ys, b, &Z );
// ... use “Z” as shared key
Notice also that the client doesn't need to wait for Ys before computing Yc ,
assuming p and g are known to both sides. In SSL, the server picks p and g , and
transmits them along with Ys , but Diffi e-Hellman doesn't actually require that
key exchange be done this way.
One particularly interesting difference between RSA and DH is that RSA is
very, very picky about what values you can use for e , d , and n. As you saw ear-
lier, not every triple of numbers works (in fact, relative to the size of all natural
numbers, very few do). However, DH key exchange works with essentially any
random combination of p , g , a , and b . What guidance is there for picking out
“good” values? Of course, you want to use large numbers, especially for p ; other
than using a large number — 512-bit, 1024-bit, and so on — you at least want to
ensure that the bits are securely randomly distributed.
It also turns out that some choices of p leave the secret Z vulnerable to eaves-
droppers who can employ the Pohlig-Hellman attack. The attack itself, originally
published by Stephen Pollig and Martin Hellman in the journal “IEEE Transactions
on Information Theory” in 1978, is mathematically technical, but it relies on a
p 1 that has no large prime factors. The math behind the attack itself is outside
of the scope of this topic, but guarding against it is straightforward, as long as
you're aware of the risk. Ensure that the choice p 1 is not only itself large,
but that it includes at least one large prime factor. RFC 2631 recommends that
1 where q is a large prime number and j is greater than or equal to 2.
Neither q nor j needs to be kept secret; in fact, it's recommended that they be
shared so that the receiver can verify that p is a good choice.
In most implementations, g is actually a very small number — 2 is a popular
choice. As long as p , a , and b are very large, you can get away with such a small
g and still be cryptographically secure.
Getting More Security per Key Bit: Elliptic Curve
Although the concept and theory of elliptic curves and their application in
cryptography have been around for quite a while (Miller and Koblitz described
the fi rst ECC cryptosystem in 1985), elliptic curves only managed to fi nd their
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