Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
8. Returning to the rsa_encrypt function; now you've encrypted the input
block, and the result is in huge c . Convert this huge c into a byte array:
*output = ( unsigned char * ) realloc( *output, encrypted_size );
unload_huge( &c, *output + ( encrypted_size - modulus_length ),
modulus_length );
9. Allocate space for the output at the end of the output array — if this is
the fi rst iteration, the end is the beginning — and unload_huge , shown in
Listing 3-23, into it.
Listing 3-23: “huge.c” unload_huge
void unload_huge( const huge *h, unsigned char *bytes, int length )
memcpy( bytes + ( length - h->size ), h->rep, length );
10. Adjust len and input and free the previously allocated huge s for the next
len -= block_size;
input += block_size;
free_huge( &m );
free_huge( &c );
If the input is less than modulus_length - 11 bytes (which, for SSL/TLS, is
actually always the case), there will only be one iteration.
Decrypting an RSA-Encrypted Message
Decryption is, of course, the opposite.
You operate on blocks of modulus_length at a time, decrypt the block — again
using rsa_compute , but this time with the private key — and remove the pad-
ding, as shown in Listing 3-24.
Listing 3-24: “rsa.c” rsa_decrypt
* Convert the input into key-length blocks and decrypt, unpadding
* each time.
* Return -1 if the input is not an even multiple of the key modulus
* length or if the padding type is not “2”, otherwise return the
* length of the decrypted data.
int rsa_decrypt( unsigned char *input,
unsigned int len,
unsigned char **output,
rsa_key *private_key )
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