Cryptography Reference
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Listing 3-11: “huge.c” set_huge
void set_huge( huge *h, unsigned int val )
unsigned int mask, i, shift;
h->size = 4;
// Figure out the minimum amount of space this “val” will take
// up in chars (leave at least one byte, though, if “val” is 0).
for ( mask = 0xFF000000; mask > 0x000000FF; mask >>=8 )
if ( val & mask )
h->rep = ( unsigned char * ) malloc( h->size );
// Now work backward through the int, masking off each 8-bit
// byte (up to the first 0 byte) and copy it into the “huge”
// array in big-endian format.
mask = 0x000000FF;
shift = 0;
for ( i = h->size; i; i-- )
h->rep[ i - 1 ] = ( val & mask ) >> shift;
mask <<= 8;
shift += 8;
Notice that at the top of the multiply routine you see
set_huge( &temp, 0 );
but then you overwrite it immediately with a call to copy_huge . This is necessary
because the huge temp is allocated on the stack and is initialized with garbage
values. Because copy_huge immediately tries to free any pointer allocated, you
need to ensure that it's initialized to NULL. set_huge accomplishes this.
Start multiplying by setting aside a temporary space for the left-shifted fi rst
operand, copy that into the temporary space, and reset h1 to 0. Then, loop
through each char of h2 (backward, again), and check each bit of each char . If
the bit is a 1, add the contents of temp to h1 . If the bit is a zero, do nothing. In
either case, left-shift temp by one position. Left-shifting a huge is, of course, a
separate operation that works on one char at a time, right-to-left.
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