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only the divergence of q
r o that appears in the theory, such a body force
would not appear in the final theory. In particular, Darcy's law could also be
developed from the conservation of linear momentum, or from the Navier Stokes
equations that, as will be shown in Chap. 6, is a combination of the stress equations
of motion and the Newtonian law of viscosity ( 5.6 D).
ΒΌ fr f v /
Christensen RM (1971) Theory of viscoelasticity. Academic Press, New York and London
Darcy H (1856) Les Fontains Publiques de la Ville de Dijon. Dalmont, Paris
Gurtin ME (1972) The linear theory of elasticity. In: Flugge S (ed) Handbuch der Physik, vol 2.
Springer Verlag, Berlin
Lockett FJ (1972) Nonlinear viscoelastic solids. Academic Press, New York and London
Sokolnikoff IS (1956) Mathematical theory of elasticity. McGraw Hill, New York
Truesdell CA, Toupin RA (1960) The classical field theories. In: Flugge S (ed) Handbuch der
Physik, vol III/1. Springer Verlag, Berlin
Truesdell CA, Noll W (1965) The non-linear field theories of mechanics. In: Flugge S (ed)
Handbuch der Physik, vol III/3. Springer Verlag, Berlin
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