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detailing in Canada can be higher in the presence of spillover. Consequently, managers
who are carving out distinct territories for different sales reps, or setting quotas, will
benefit by accounting for spillover.
Such analysis can have implications, for instance, to the costs from re-importing
pharmaceutical drugs into the USA. Essentially, US drug manufacturers argue
that reimportation of their drugs into the US market cuts into their profitability (see
Senate Bill S319 , introduced in 2011 for more details on alternative perspectives on
reimportation). However, if spillover effects are generating a positive ROI (that has
been hereto unaccounted), then the net cost from reimportation may be attenuated
to some degree. In any case, these types of analyses underscore the importance of
addressing the cross-border issues more completely.
Our goal in this chapter has been to highlight the importance of accounting for
spillover effects of marketing activities in the pharmaceutical industry. It is note-
worthy that extant research has examined a variety of market settings and has
employed both analytical and econometric approaches, as well as experiments to
examine the impact of spillovers and externalities. We hope our discussion here will
spark further research on this important topic.
Ahluwalia R, Rao Unnava H, Burnkrant RE (2001) The moderating role of commitment on the
spillover effect of marketing communications. J Mark Res 38:458-470
Amaldoss W, Meyer RJ, Raju JS, Rapoport A (2000) Collaborating to compete. Mark Sci
Anderson JR (1983) A spreading activation theory of memory. J Verbal Learn Verbal Behav
Andersson F (2002) Pooling reputations. Int J Ind Organ 20(4):715-730
Balachander S, Ghose S (2003) Reciprocal spillover effects: a strategic benefit of brand extensions.
J Mark 67:4-13
Berndt ER, Pindyck RS, Azoulay P (2003) Consumption externalities and diffusion in pharmaceuti-
cal markets: antiulcer drugs. J Ind Econ 51(2):243-270
Chennamaneni PR, Desiraju R (2011) Comarketing alliances: should you contract on actions or
outcomes? Manage Sci 57(4):752-762
Chintagunta P, Desiraju R (2005) Strategic pricing and detailing behavior in international markets.
Mark Sci 24(1):67-80
Choi JP (1998) Brand extension as informational leverage. Rev Econ Stud 65(4):655-669
Coney S (2002) Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription pharmaceuticals: a consumer
perspective from New Zealand. J Public Policy Mark 21(2):213-223
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) (2006) Research and development in the pharmaceutical
industry. The congress of the United States, Washington, DC.
Danzon PM, Keuffel EL (2007) Regulation of the pharmaceutical-biotechnology industry. Paper
prepared for the NBER conference on regulation, Sept 2005
De Bondt R (1996) Spillovers and innovative activities. Int J Ind Organ 15:1-28
DeGraba P, Sullivan MW (1995) Spillover effects, cost savings, R&D and the use of brand exten-
sions. Int J Ind Organ 13:229-248
Desiraju R (2004) Costs and benefits of inducing intrabrand competition: the role of limited liability.
Mark Sci 23(3):429-450
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