Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 11.3 Factors that affect effi cacy expectations at the awareness stage
Systematic Processing Biases: Perceived Risks
and Perceived Benefi ts
Consumers may intend to pay equal attention to benefi ts and risks and make an
informed judgment; however, the way the information is presented may make certain
information more salient, infl uencing perceptions by leading to usage of heuristics
and causing biases in decision-making. Further, the incidental context in which the
consumer makes judgments about a medication's effi cacy (e.g., consumers' mood)
may infl uence effi cacy expectations.
Affect Heuristic
When consumers are exposed to information regarding risk and potential danger,
they often make decisions based on their instinctive affective reactions (of which
they may not be consciously aware). Since easily accessible affective (emotional)
impressions are an effi cient alternative to deliberate analysis in comprehending risk
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