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3. The extant Marketing literature on pharmaceutical pricing both pre and post
expiry would benefi t from a comprehensive meta-analysis that integrates the
theoretical with the more practical approaches. Some aspects of the sandwich
pricing phenomenon for example have been contemplated by marketing scholars
and economists. These bodies of thoughts would benefi t from a comprehensive
critical review that brings in the bodies of evidence as, for example, presented in
Fig. 9.4 in this paper.
4. A focus on the product and price marketing mix variables as described in this
paper would benefi t from large scale empirical analysis. When have pharmaceu-
tical companies applied the pricing sandwich if at all? What were the market
conditions that led to the use of that pricing strategy? Does its use lead to
decreased price and margin erosion over time relative to that exhibited in
Fig. 9.1 ? While pricing models like the sandwich are appealing and useful as
described, their success in a particular category might be contingent for example
on access to the OTC market. A comprehensive empirical analysis is needed to
address these questions in a signifi cant manner.
5. Table 9.2 in this paper raises many interesting questions about visual brand equi-
ties such as color and or shape. Are visual equities such as color and shape being
used to aggregate customer good will to the brand beyond patent expiry? Is there
a way to measure how these attributes can be used to achieve value transference?
Can the value of the associated source identity monopolies be measured both pre
and post patent expiry? Questions of this type are low hanging fruit. What is
needed again is an integrated team of those familiar with the pharmaceutical
brand promotion literature and methods for mining and interpreting the publicly
available trademark databases.
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Berndt ER, Kyle M, Ling D (2003) The long shadow of patent expiration. Generic entry and Rx-to-
OTC switches. In: Feenstra RC, Shapiro MD (eds) Scanner data and price indexes. University
of Chicago Press, Chicago
Berndt ER, Mortimer R, Bhattacharjya A, Parece A, Tuttle E (2007) Authorized generic drugs,
price competition, and consumers' welfare. Heal Aff 26(3):790-799
Bhat VN (2005) Patent term extension strategies in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharm Policy Law
Boone JS (2009) Patent term extensions for human drugs under the US Hatch-Waxman Act.
J Intellect Property Law Pract 4(9):658-664
Brass EP (2001) Changing the status of drugs from prescription to over-the-counter availability.
N Engl J Med 345:810-816. 10.1056/NEJMra011080 . Accessed
8 Aug 2011
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