Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
New patent
Up to 3 years
AstraZeneca could classify effectiveness
and side effect reactions regarding
human genetic variations or claim a
new method-of-use for certain
Lichter and
Kurth ( 1997 )
Introducing a branded (or
“authorized”) generic
Market through “fi rst
mover advantage”
Limited duration
Go to market with “branded” or authorized
Generic to get fi rst mover advantage.
At the same time raise price of branded
products to capture additional margins
from brand sensitive buyers
FTC ( 2009 )
Cornering key ingredients
Supply chain exclusivity
Life of exclusivity
Cornering supply of key ingredients e.g.,
by exclusive contracts
Harris and
Rundle ( 2000 );
Harris ( 2001 )
Introducing a generic
Market through “fi rst
mover advantage”
Limited duration
Go to market with Generic to get fi rst
mover advantage. At the same time
raise price of branded products to
capture additional margins from brand
sensitive buyers
Mehl ( 2006 )
Produce for generic companies
Use existing manufacturing capacity
to make and sell to generic companies
AstraZeneca ( 2008 )
Pay generics to delay entry
Limited duration
Pay generic companies explicitly to not
produce competing products
Rosenthal ( 2002 ); FTC
Staff Study ( 2010 )
Petitioning patients, doctors,
and congress
Limited duration
Unlikely that Congress will grant any
more substantial patent extensions
in near future. AZ could apply
for an extension under the General
Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
(GATT) legislation
Hensley ( 2001 );
Paige ( 1997 )
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