Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
[DBP96] H. Dobbertin, A. Bosselaers, B. Preneel, „RIPEMD-160, a strengsthened version of
RIPEMD“, LNCS 1039, Springer-Verlag 1996, S. 71-82
[DH76] W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman: „New directions in cryptography“, IEEE Transactions
on Information Theory, vol. IT-22, Nov. 1976, pp: 644-654
[DoHa99] N. Doraswamy, D. Harkins, „IPSec, the new security standard for the Internet,
Intranets and Virtual Private Networks” Herausgeber: Prentice Hall PTR, 1999
[ElG84] T. ElGamal, „A public-key cryptosystem and a signature scheme based on discrete
logarithms“, Crypto '84, LNCS 196, S. 10-18, 1985
[Fe73] H. Feistel, „Cryptography and computer privacy“, Scientific American, 118, 1973
[Fink06] K. Finkenzeller, „RFID-Handbuch“, Hanser Verlag, 2006
[FIPSPUB180] „SECURE HASH STANDARD“, Federal Information Processing Standards
Publications, 1995,
[FIPSPUB180-1] “SECURE HASH STANDARD”, Federal Information Processing Stan-
dards Publications, 1995,
[FIPSPUB180-2] siehe [FIPSPUB180-3]
[FIPSPUB180-3] „SECURE HASH STANDARD“, Federal Information Processing Stan-
dards Publications, 2007 (announced),
[FIPSPUB186] „Digital Signature Standard (DSS)“, Federal Information Processing Stan-
dards Publication 186, 1994
[FIPSPUB186-2] „Digital Signature Standard (DSS)“, U.S. Department of Commerce
/National Institute of Standards and Technology, Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 186-2 , 2000
[FIPSPUB197] “Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)”, Federal Information Processing
Standards Publications, FIPS PUB 197, 2001,
[FIPSPUB198] „The keyed-hash message authentication code“, Federal Information Process-
ing Standards Publications, 2002,
[FIPSPUB81] „DES Modes of operation“, Federal Information Processing Standards Publica-
tion 81, 1980
[FMS01] S. Fluhrer, I. Mantin, A. Shamir, „Weaknesses in the Key Scheduling Algorithm of
RC4“, Selected Areas in Cryptography 2001, pp1 - 24,
[FR94] W. Fumy, H. P. Ries, „Kryptographie“, Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, R.
Oldenbourg, 1994 (2. Auflage)
[FS03] N. Ferguson, B. Schneier, „Practical Cryptography“, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. ISBN
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