Cryptography Reference
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Private-key and public-key encryption schemes secure against cho-
sen ciphertext attacks can be constructed under (almost) the same
assumptions that suce for the construction of the corresponding pas-
sive schemes. Specifically:
Theorem 5.3. (folklore, see (67, Sec. Assuming the exis-
tence of one-way functions ,thereexist private-key encryption schemes
that are secure against chosen ciphertext attack.
Theorem 5.4. ((104; 50), using (29; 56), see (67, Sec.
Assuming the existence of enhanced 5 trapdoor permutations ,thereexist
public-key encryption schemes that are secure against chosen ciphertext
Both theorems are proved by constructing encryption schemes in which
the adversary's gain from a chosen ciphertext attack is eliminated by
making it infeasible (for the adversary) to obtain any useful knowl-
edge via such an attack. In the case of private-key schemes (i.e.,
Theorem 5.3), this is achieved by making it infeasible (for the adver-
sary) to produce legitimate ciphertext s (other than those explic-
itly given to it, in response to its request to encrypt plaintext s of
its choice). This, in turn, is achieved by augmenting the ciphertext
with an “authentication tag” that is hard to generate without knowl-
edge of the encryption-key; that is, we use a message-authentication
scheme (as defined in Section 6). In the case of public-key schemes
(i.e., Theorem 5.4), the adversary can certainly generate ciphertext s
by itself, and the aim is to to make it infeasible (for the adversary) to
produce legitimate ciphertext s without “knowing” the corresponding
plaintext . This, in turn, will be achieved by augmenting the plain-
text with a non-interactive zero-knowledge “proof of knowledge” of the
corresponding plaintext .
5 Loosely speaking, the enhancement refers to the hardness condition of Definition 2.2, and
requires that it be hard to recover f i ( y ) also when given the coins used to sample y
(rather than merely y itself). See (67, Apdx. C.1).
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