Cryptography Reference
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Zero-knowledge is a property of some prover strategies. More gen-
erally, we consider interactive machines that yield no knowledge while
interacting with an arbitrary feasible adversary on a common input
taken from a predetermined set (in our case the set of valid assertions).
Astrategy A is zero-knowledge on (inputs from) the set S if, for every
feasible strategy B , there exists a feasible computation C such that
the following two probability ensembles are computationally indistin-
guishable 2 :
} x∈S de = the output of B after interacting with
A on common input x
( A, B )( x )
S ;and
de = the output of C on input x ∈ S .
{C ( x )
} x∈S
We stress that the first ensemble represents an actual execution of
an interactive protocol, whereas the second ensemble represents the
computation of a stand-alone procedure (called the “simulator”), which
does not interact with anybody.
The above definition does not account for auxiliary information that
an adversary B may have prior to entering the interaction. Account-
ing for such auxiliary information is essential for using zero-knowledge
proofs as subprotocols inside larger protocols (see (71; 76)). This is
taken care of by a stricter notion called auxiliary-input zero-knowledge .
Definition 4.1. (zero-knowledge (81), revisited (76)): Astrategy A is
auxiliary-input zero-knowledge on inputs from S if, for every probabilistic
2 Here we refer to a natural extension of Definition 3.1: Rather than referring to ensembles
indexed by
, we refer to ensembles indexed by a set S ⊆{ 0 , 1 } . Typically, for an ensem-
ble {Z α } α∈S , it holds that Z α ranges over strings of length that is polynomially-related
to the length of α .Wesaythat {X α } α∈S and {Y α } α∈S are computationally indistinguish-
able if for every probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm D every polynomial p ,andall
suciently long α ∈ S ,
Pr[ D ( α, X α )=1]
Pr[ D ( α, Y α )=1]
p (
where the probabilities are taken over the relevant distribution (i.e., either X α or Y α )and
over the internal coin tosses of algorithm D .
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