Cryptography Reference
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Proof sketch: The actual proof refers to an arbitrary algorithm B
that, when given ( f ( x ) ,r ), tries to guess b ( x, r ). Suppose that this
algorithm succeeds with probability 2 + , where the probability is taken
over the random choices of x and r (as well as the internal coin tosses
of B ). By an averaging argument, we first identify a / 2fractionofthe
possible coin tosses of B such that using any of these coin sequences B
succeeds with probability at least
2 + / 2. Similarly, we can identify a
/ 4fractionofthe x 's such that B succeeds (in guessing b ( x, r )) with
probability at least
2 + / 4, where now the probability is taken only
over the r 's. We will show how to use B in order to invert f , on input
f ( x ), provided that x is in the good set (which has density / 4).
As a warm-up, suppose for a moment that, for the aforemen-
tioned x 's, algorithm B succeeds with probability p> 4 +1 / poly(
(rather than at least
2 + / 4). In this case, retrieving x from f ( x )
is quite easy: To retrieve the i th
bit of x , denoted x i ,wefirstran-
} |x| ,andobtain B ( f ( x ) ,r )and B ( f ( x ) ,r
e i ),
domly select r
0 , 1
where e i
=0 i− 1 10 |x|−i
u denotes the addition mod 2 of the
binary vectors v and u . Note that if both B ( f ( x ) ,r )= b ( x, r )and
B ( f ( x ) ,r⊕e i )= b ( x, r⊕e i ) indeed hold, then B ( f ( x ) ,r ) ⊕B ( f ( x ) ,r⊕e i )
equals b ( x, r )
and v
e i )= b ( x, e i )= x i . The probability that both
B ( f ( x ) ,r )= b ( x, r )and B ( f ( x ) ,r
b ( x, r
e i )= b ( x, r
e i ) hold, for a random
r ,isatleast1 2 · (1 − p ) >
poly( |x| ) . Hence, repeating the above
procedure suciently many times (using independent random choices
of such r 's) and ruling by majority, we retrieve x i with very high prob-
ability. Similarly, we can retrieve all the bits of x , and hence invert f
on f ( x ). However, the entire analysis was conducted under (the unjus-
tifiable) assumption that p> 4 +
2 +
poly( |x| ) , whereas we only know that
p> 2 + 4 (for > 1 / poly( |x| )).
The problem with the above procedure is that it doubles the orig-
inal error probability of algorithm B on inputs of the form ( f ( x ) ,
Under the unrealistic assumption (made above), that B 's average error
on such inputs is non-negligibly smaller than
4 , the “error-doubling”
phenomenon raises no problems. However, in general (and even in the
special case where B 's error is exactly 4 ) the above procedure is unlikely
to invert f . Note that the average error probability of B (for a fixed
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