Cryptography Reference
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[98] R. Merkle, “Protocols for public key cryptosystems,” in Proc. of the 1980
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[99] S. Micali, “Computationally sound proofs,” SIAM Journal on Computing ,
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[100] S. Micali and P. Rogaway, Secure computation . Vol. 576, Springer-Verlag,
1991. Crypto91 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Elaborated working draft
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[101] M. Naor, “Bit commitment using pseudorandom generators,” Journal of Cryp-
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[104] M. Naor and M. Yung, “Public-key cryptosystems provably secure against
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[105] R. Ostrovsky and A. Wigderson, “One-way functions are essential for non-
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[106] R. Ostrovsky and M. Yung, “how to withstand mobile virus attacks,” in 10th
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[107] M. Prabhakaran, A. Rosen, and A. Sahai, “Concurrent zero-knowledge proofs
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[108] M. Rabin.
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[109] M. Rabin, “Digitalized signatures and public key functions as intractable as
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[110] T. Rabin and M. Ben-Or, “Verifiable secret sharing and multi-party protocols
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[111] R. Richardson and J. Kilian, On the concurrent composition of zero-knowledge
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[112] R. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman, “A method for obtaining digital sig-
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[113] P. Rogaway, The round complexity of secure protocols . PhD thesis, MIT, 1991.
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