Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Chapter 4
Gas Adsorption by Fullerenes  
and Polyhedral Multi-Walled  
Carbon Nanostructures
V. M. Kiselev, I. M. Belousova, V. P. Belousov, and E. N. Sosnov
Research Institute for Laser Physics, SIC Vavilov State Optical Institute,
Birzhevayaliniya 12, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia
The sorption ability of fullerenes and different polyhedral multi-
walled carbon nanostructures with respect to such gases as
molecular oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and methane is of great
importance for diverse applications.
The sorption of these gases plays a decisive role in the
development of a number of important technical branches. As
an example, the effective hydrogen sorption is crucial in the
development and creation of new alternative energy sources based
on the basis of hydrogen power, which should come to replace the
traditional ones.
A wide attention of the scientific community has been attracted
by the researches in this area. Development of compact and low-
cost technologies for hydrogen storage, as well as highly efficient
hydrogen fuel cells [1-3], is a central part of the research. Fuel cells
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