Biomedical Engineering Reference
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highlighted in this chapter demonstrate that the unique properties QDs are extremely
well-suited for the highly sensitive, rapid, and nanometer scale resolution necessary
for studying neural structures and subcellular receptor dynamics. These promising
results have already catalyzed interest for further creative use of QDs tailored to
address specifi c neuroscience questions. As understanding of QD properties and
their interactions in physiological systems advances, QDs applications will move
beyond substitutes for fl uorescent tags, and will integrate other QD properties includ-
ing high surface-to-volume ratio, size, and surface chemical interactions to tailored
applications. Diagnostic and clinical applications using QDs in sensor devices and as
drug delivery platforms is an underdeveloped area that will grow as QD-based bio-
logical applications and the commercial availability of QDs continue to expand.
Nanomedicine is a fi eld in its infancy but is a rapidly growing fi eld with demon-
strable achievements. In just a number of years, QDs have transformed from a rela-
tively obscure nanomaterial to one that is steadily achieving routinely use. The
future challenge is to continue to understand the interactions of QDs in neural and
other physiological systems and use this knowledge to engineer truly innovative
tools to address challenging and unresolved biomedical problems.
Acknowledgments We thank Oregon ETIC funding and David Feigelson for his input in the
initial stages of this manuscript.
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