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at(airport, county)
Meaning: The airport is in that particular county.
2. The Advice Taker also needed to know that, if A is at B and B is
at C then A is at C. So if I am at my desk and my desk is at home
then I am at home. In logic this relationship is expressed, using the
“implies” symbol
at(x,y), at(y,z)
3. There are two rules needed by the Advice Taker concerning the
feasibility of walking and driving. They are:
walkable(x), at(y,x), at(z,x), at(I,y)
drivable(x), at(y,x), at(z,x), at(car,y), at(I,car)
Meaning : The first of these rules means that if the journey to
x is walkable [indicated by walkable(x) ], and if y is at x [indi-
cated by at(y,x) ], and if z is at x [indicated by at(z,x) ], and if I
am at y [indicated by at(I,y) ], then all of these being true implies
[shown by the
symbol] that I can walk from y to z [indicated by
can(go(y,z,walking) ]. This is easy to understand—I am at y and
the journey to x is walkable so I can walk to x, and since z is at x,
by walking to x I also walk to where z is located.
The second of these rules has a comparable meaning, relating to
driving from y to z.
The system also needs two specific facts:
Meaning : The journey to home is walkable.
Meaning : Anywhere in the county is drivable.
4. Next there is a rule concerned with the properties of going:
did(go(x, y, z))
Meaning: I did go from x to y by method z implies that I am now
at y.
5. And the problem to be solved is expressed by:
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