Biomedical Engineering Reference
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that may be of relevance for possible toxic properties, some of them being
still unknown, the characterization of a nanomaterial may require as much
effort as its toxicological testing. Progress in the understanding of structure-
relation properties of nanoparticles will therefore require close collaboration
of material scientists and toxicologists. This requires additional costs; how-
ever, if characterization is omitted in order to avoid extra costs, the whole
study will be worthless if nonstandardized materials were studied.
The development of standardized characterization procedures will prog-
ress with the availability of nanoscaled reference materials, which are an
important topic of contemporary material research. For missing nanoma-
terial characterization standards, multimethod characterization should be
applied to the nanomaterials under study whenever possible [22].
The release of manufactured nanoparticles from synthesis, compound-
ing, product handling, or end-of-life processes may have important implica-
tions for environmental and human health. Assessment of the related risks
requires methods to detect and trace nanoparticles in the environment and
organisms [22,40]. Determination of nanoparticle release rates, persistency,
concentrations and distribution kinetics requires careful design of labora-
tory tests or strategies to distinguish nanoparticles of natural sources from
that of synthetic origin during field testing. In the latter case, such a distinc-
tion may require advanced labeling strategies for nanoparticles, for instance
by isotopes or fluorescence markers.
1. E. Abbe, “Beiträge zur Theorie des Mikroskops und der mikroskopischen
Wahrnehmung,” Arch. Mikrosk. Anat. , vol. 9, 1873, pp. 413-418.
2. J. Polte, R. Erler, A.F. Thünemann, S. Sokolov, T.T. Ahner, K. Rademann,
F. Emmerling, and R. Kraehnert, “Nucleation and growth of gold nanoparticles
studied via in situ small angle X-ray scattering at millisecond time resolution,”
ACS Nano , vol. 4, 2010, pp. 1076-1082.
3. M. Faraday, “The Bakerian lecture: Experimental relations of gold (and other
metals) to light,” Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. , vol. 147, 1857, pp. 145-181.
4. M. Knoll and E. Ruska, “Das elektronenmikroskop,” Z. Physik , vol. 78, 1932,
pp. 318-339.
5. B. von Borries and E. Ruska, “Bakterien und Virus in übermikroskopischer
Aufnahme,” Klin. Wochenschr. , vol. 17, 1938, p. 64.
6. K.R. Porter, A. Claude, and E.F. Fullam, “A study of tissue culture cells by elec-
tron microscopy: Methods and preliminary observations,” J. Exp. Med. , vol. 81,
1945, pp. 233-246.
7. G. Ruess and F. Vogt, “Höchst lamellarer Kohlenstoff aus Graphitoxyhydroxyd,”
Monatsh. Chem. , vol. 78, 1948, pp. 222-242.
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