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Figure 7.7.
The dots are the experimental results [ 5 ] expressed as the difference variable D ( t ) as a function
of time. The theoretical prediction of ( 7.140 ) and the experimental data cannot be distinguished
from one another. Redrawn with permission.
The wiggly curve is given by the sum variable S ( t ) as a function of time. The straight-line
segment is the best inverse power-law fit to the experimental data [ 5 ]. Redrawn with permission.
Figure 7.8.
leads to a definition of
that is more accurate than that determined in earlier work
[ 62 ]. Thus, the excellent agreement between the fitting formula of ( 7.140 ) and the
experimental results of Figure 7.7 requires only two fitting parameters,
and C .
The authors of [ 5 ] afford compelling evidence that the response of the web is rig-
orously proportional to the perturbation intensity, as it should be if a proper LRT
is applicable. To complete the experimental proof of the non-stationary LRT, they
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