HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 4
HTML5 for Mobile
What's in this chapter?
• Getting acquainted with the history behind HTML5
• Understanding feature detection and progressive enhancement
• Using HTML5 for gaming
• Using HTML5 for mobile
• Understanding the state of mobile browsers Code Downloads for this Chapter
The code downloads for this chapter are found at
title.cgi?isbn=9781118301326 on the Download Code tab. The code is in the chapter 04 download and indi-
vidually named according to the names throughout the chapter.
HTML5 is a wonderful technology that, by the time it's fully implemented in all browsers in 2020, is going to
pick up your dry cleaning, tidy up your apartment, walk your dog, and bring about world peace. Actually, it will
do none of those things, but from some of the hype lauded onto the standard, you might think it would. There is
one thing HTML5 is guaranteed to do: make the world a more interesting place.
Capturing a Brief History of HTML5
Technically, HTML5 is the next standard in a long line of standards being worked on and promoted by the World
Wide Web consortium. The World Wide Web Consortium (online at ), known as the W3C , is the
primary standards body responsible for standardizing the web so that different content producers and browsers
makers can build technology, including HTML5, that interoperates correctly.
Understanding How HTML5 Grew Up “Different”
HTML5 began life a little differently from its predecessors and didn't start its life as the brainchild of the W3C.
Rather, HTML5 was birthed in many ways as a rebellion to the standard the W3C was pushing at the time:
XHTML 2.0.
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