HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information[s] = true
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i=0;i<;i++) {
var now = new Date();
if ([i]['finished'] < now.getTime()) {[i]['finished'] = now.getTime() +
Q.asset(s).duration*1000;[i]['channel'].src = Q.asset(s).src;[i]['channel'].load();[i]['channel'].play();
} = function() {
// TODO: Add mobile support
As you can see, the audio system code, at least for the desktop is fairly short and consists primarily of a
few configuration variables and dummy methods followed by the enableSound method, which checks if this
is a touch device and determines which sound system to load. If it's a desktop browser, the code calls en-
ableDesktopSound , which sets up the audio channels and adds the real play method (one that actually
plays sounds) onto Q . The dummy play and audioSprites methods are present so that games can still call
those methods even if the audio system isn't enabled.
Setting up the audio channels consists of creating an array of sound objects paired with a finished prop-
erty that indicates the time that the sound will finish playing. Because no sounds are playing to start with, the
property is initialized to -1 for all channels.
Next up is the real play method, which has the main job to find an open channel; in other words, one that
has a finished time less than the current time, grabbing the src for a preloaded audio file from Q.asset ,
loading, and playing it. To make it slightly more useful, the method takes a second parameter that is a debounce
time, which prevents the same sound from being played for approximately that number of milliseconds. This is
useful for situations in which play might be called repeatedly in a short period of time, but it should trigger
only a single sound effect.
Adding Sound Effects to Block Break
To add the sound effects to Block Break, you need to add the quintus_audio.js file to block-
break.html and make three small changes to blockbreak.js .
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