HTML and CSS Reference
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The collision code attempts to differentiate between a “landing” and a “crash” by checking if the collision is
on the bottom of the ship object. If so, the method returns 1; otherwise, if the collision takes place anywhere
else on the object, it returns 2 to indicate that it's time to blow the ship up.
Now you need to update the Ship class to check for collisions during the step function. Add the following
to the top of the step method to stop the Ship in its tracks when it's dead:
step: function(dt) {
if(this.dead) return;
Next, at the bottom of that same function, add in a call to the checkCollision method and handle the
response appropriately:
var col;
if(col = this.checkCollision()) {
if(col == 1 && Math.abs(p.vy) < 30) {
if(p.vy > 0) {
p.vy = 0;
} else {
You need to verify the return value of checkCollision . If it returns a 1 , you collided with the bottom of
the lander, and if you go slowly, you can land. Otherwise, you mark the Ship as dead.
Next you'll need to modify the game code itself to grab the backgroundPixels for the ship to compare
against. Add the highlighted lines to scene definition in lander.html to read:
'lander_thrust.png','map.png'], function() {
Q.scene("level",new Q.Scene(function(stage) {
stage.insert(new Q.Sprite({ asset: "background.png" }));
stage.insert(new Q.Sprite({ asset: "map.png" }));
var ship = stage.insert(new Q.Ship({
asset: 'lander.png',
x: 10, // X Position
y: 230, // Y Position
gravity: 20, // Gravity
m: 1, // Ship's Mass
thrustX: 40, // Horizontal Thrust
thrustY: 80, // Vertical Thrust
Q.backgroundPixels = Q.imageData(Q.asset('map.png'));
ship.imageData = Q.imageData(Q.asset('lander.png'));
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