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this.insert(new Q.Fountain({ x:x, y:y }));
return TILE.FLOOR;
monster: function(x,y) {
var frame = Math.floor(Math.random()*64);
this.insert(new Q.Enemy({ x:x, y:y, frame:frame }));
return TILE.FLOOR;
Although the code is long, each of the sprite methods is the same. It just creates a sprite of the wanted type,
adds it to the stage, and then returns the floor tile that should be underneath the sprite. The stairs sprite is
special because it marks the place where the player should start the level, and that starting position is stored in
the startX and startY properties.
The unfog method also deserves a mention. Its job is to take a square of tiles and sprites around the player
and make them visible by unhiding them as the play approaches. This allows the level to be slowly exposed as
the player moves around. This method needs to be triggered in the camera component for it to work, so add the
highlighted line to that component:
Q.register('camera', {
added: function() {
track: function() {
var p = this.entity.p,
stage = this.entity.parent;
stage.centerOn(p.x, p.y);
Next, the spot where the player is created needs to be updated to use the level's startX and startY posi-
tion. Modify the level1 scene creation method to read
Q.scene('level1',new Q.Scene(function(stage) {
if(Q.width > 600 || Q.height > 600) {
stage.level = stage.insert(new Q.Level("level1.txt",stage));
var player = stage.insert(new Q.Player({ x: stage.level.startX ,
y: stage.level.startY
player.bind('removed',stage,function() {
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