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Creating a SpriteSheet Class
In this case, a single Sprite Sheet object refers only to a single set of like-sized frames of the same sprite.
A single-loaded image asset might be compiled into a number of SpriteSheet objects.
The sprite functionality in Quintus is going to go into its own module. Open up a new file called quin-
tus_sprites.js and place the code from Listing 11-1 into it to define the SpriteSheet class functionality.
Listing 11-1: The Q.SpriteSheet class
Quintus.Sprites = function(Q) {
// Create a new sprite sheet
// Options:
// tilew - tile width
// tileh - tile height
// w - width of the sprite block
// h - height of the sprite block
// sx - start x
// sy - start y
// cols - number of columns per row
Q.SpriteSheet = Class.extend({
init: function(name, asset,options) {
name: name,
asset: asset,
w: Q.asset(asset).width,
h: Q.asset(asset).height,
tilew: 64,
tileh: 64,
sx: 0,
sy: 0
this.cols = this.cols ||
Math.floor(this.w / this.tilew);
fx: function(frame) {
return (frame % this.cols) * this.tilew +;
fy: function(frame) {
return Math.floor(frame / this.cols) * this.tileh +;
draw: function(ctx, x, y, frame) {
if(!ctx) { ctx = Q.ctx; }
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