HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 7
Learning about Your HTML5 Game
Development Environment
What's in this chapter?
• Choosing a development environment
• Exploring the Chrome Developer tools
• Debugging your JavaScript
• Improving and optimizing your game
• Debugging for mobile Code Downloads for this Chapter
The code downloads for this chapter are found at
title.cgi?isbn=9781118301326 on the Download Code tab. The code is in the chapter 07 download and indi-
vidually named according to the names throughout the chapter.
When paired with a good text editor, over the past decade, browsers have developed into remarkable develop-
ment environments for building, debugging, and optimizing web games. To find an HTML5 IDE, you need to
look no further than the browser you use every day to surf the web.
Although nearly all browsers have decent debugging environments, this topic specifically covers the Chrome
Developer tools. Chrome is available on all platforms (Windows, OS X, and Linux) and provides an up-to-date
WebKit browser, matching in many ways with the WebKit browser on most mobile devices.
Picking an Editor
Before you can get your code up and running in a browser, you need to write some code in some sort of an
editor. Which text editor or development environment you use is up to you. You can go the IDE-like route and
use a full-fledged development environment such as WebStorm, Aptana, Netbeans, or even Visual Studio. Al-
ternatively, many developers get by with just a good text editor. On the PC, Notepad++ is a popular choice. On
the Mac, TextMate or MacVim (if you're the adventurous type) are good choices. On Linux, Emacs or gVIM
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