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Division with a Negative Exponent
Consider likewise the effect of dividing a number by a number that possesses a
negative exponent:
4 3
4 4 ¼ 4 3
4 4
¼ 4 3 þ 4
¼ 4 7
Dividing 4 3 by 4 4 is the same as multiplying 4 3 by 4 4 .
Negative Numbers and Exponents
When you raise a negative number to a given power, whether you raise it an even
or odd number of times makes a difference. If you raise a negative number by an
even power, then you multiply it by itself an even number of times, so the result is
positive. If you raise a negative number by an odd power, then you multiply the
number by itself an odd number of times, so the result is negative. Consider the
following expressions:
ð 3 Þ
¼ð 3 Þð 3 Þ¼ 9
Even number power is positive
ð 3 Þ
¼ð 3 Þð 3 Þð 3 Þ¼ 27
Odd number power is negative
ð 3 Þ
¼ð 3 Þð 3 Þð 3 Þð 3 Þ¼ 81
Even number power is positive
Powers of Powers
You can raise a power by a power. In this case, you multiply one exponent by
another. Here is an example:
ð 2 2
¼ 2 2 3
¼ 2 6
¼ 64
ð 5 2
¼ 5 2 2
¼ 5 4
¼ 625
Powers of Zero and One
A number that possesses an exponent of 1 is equal to itself:
a 1
3 1
¼ a
¼ 3
A number raised to the power of zero is equal to 1:
a 0
3 0
¼ 1
¼ 1
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