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Listing 4-4 shows another version of the program in Listing 4-3. This time, you use
only catch block and print the error's details using the Nashorn extensions for the
Error object.
Listing 4-4. The Contents of the File factorial_test2.js
// factorial_test2.js
try {
// throw new TypeError("A type error occurred.");
var fact3 = factorial(3);
print("Factorial of 3 is", fact3);
var factHello = factorial("Hello");
print("Factorial of 3 is", factHello);
catch (e) {
printf("Line %d, column %d, file %s. %s",
e.lineNumber, e.columnNumber, e.fileName, e.message);
Factorial of 3 is 6
Line 10, column 8, file factorial.js. The number must be an integer.
The debugger Statement
The debugger statement is for debugging purpose. It does not take any action by itself. If
a debugger is active, the implementation may cause a breakpoint but it is not required to
do so when it encounters a debugger statement. The syntax is:
The NetBeans 8.0 IDE supports the debugger statement in debug mode. I will show
how to debug Nashorn scripts using a debugger statement in Chapter 13.
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