Java Reference
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greetings = Hello, length = 5
greetings = Hello, length = 5
greetings = Hi, length = 2
Radius = 2.30, Area = 16.62
The switch Statement
The switch statement in Nashorn works pretty much the same as the switch statement in
Java works. Its syntax is:
switch(expression) {
case expression-1:
case expression-2:
The expression is matched against the expressions in case clauses using the ===
operator. The statements in the first matched case clause are executed. If the case clause
contains a break statement, the control is transferred to the end of the switch statement;
otherwise, the statements following the matched case clause are executed. If no match is
found, the statements in the default clause are executed. If there are multiple matches,
only the statements in the first matched case clause are executed. In Java, the expression
must be of type int , String , or enum, whereas in Nashorn the expression can be of any
type including the Object, Null, and Undefined types. The following snippet of code
demonstrates how to use a switch statement:
// Define a match function that matches the passed in argument
// using a switch statement
function match(value) {
switch (value) {
case undefined:
print("Matched undefined:", value);
case null:
print("Matched null:", value);
case '2':
print("Matched string '2':", value);
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