Java Reference
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Let's create a new Bindings and set it as the Bindings for the ScriptEngineManager
using its setBindings() method, like so:
// Create a Bindings, add two key-value pairs to it, and set it as the new
// Bindings for the manager
Bindings newGlobal = new SimpleBindings();
newGlobal.put("n3", 300);
newGlobal.put("n4", 400);
Figure 3-4 shows the state of the ScriptEngineManager and two ScriptEngine s after
the code is executed. Notice that the ScriptEngineManager has a new Bindings and the
two ScriptEngine s are still referring to the old Bindings as their global scope Bindings .
Figure 3-4. State of ScriptEngineManager and two ScriptEngines after a new Bindings is
set to the ScriptEngineManager
At this point, any changes made to the Bindings of the ScriptEngineManager will
not be reflected in the global scope Bindings of the two ScriptEngine s. You can still
make changes to the Bindings shared by the two ScriptEngine s and both ScriptEngine s
will see the changes made by either of them.
Let's create a new ScriptEngine , as shown:
// Create a new ScriptEngine
ScriptEngine engine3 = manager.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
Recall that a ScriptEngine gets a global scope Bindings at the time it is created
and that Bindings is the same as the Bindings of the ScriptEngineManager . The state of
the ScriptEngineManager and three ScriptEngines, after this statement is executed, are
shown in Figure 3-5 .
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