Java Reference
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Figure 13-6. The debugger window when the file is
being debugged
Step into the eval() method call by pressing F7 . The debugger will open a file named
<eval>.js that contains the script from the primetest.js file that you were trying to
load through the Java code using a Reader . You can scroll through the script and set
breakpoints in the <eval>.js file. Figure 13-7 shows the file with two breakpoints—one at
line 21 and one at line 27.
Figure 13-7. The debugger window showing the loaded script in the <eval>.js file
After you have set the breakpoints in the script in the <eval>.js file, you are ready
to proceed with normal debugging actions. For example, the Continue debugging action
( F5 ) will stop the execution at the next breakpoint.
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