Java Reference
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/* Call the Array.prototype.join() function on a
String object */
// Get the reference of the Array.prototype.join method
ScriptObjectMirror arrayObject =
ScriptObjectMirror joinFunc =
// Call the join() function of Array.prototype on a
// string object passing a hyphen as a separator
String thisObject = "Hello";
String separator = "-";
String joinResult = (String)joinFunc.
call(thisObject, separator);
catch (Exception e) {
Factorial of 5 is 120.0
The ScriptObjectMirror class contains several other methods to deal with script
objects in Java code. You can use the seal() , freeze() , and preventExtensions()
methods to seal, freeze, and prevent extensions of the script object; they work the same
as the Object.seal() , Object.freeze() , and Object.preventExtensions() methods
in a Nashorn script. The class contains a utility method called to() , which is declared as
<T> T to(Class<T> type)
You can use the to() method to convert a script object to the specified type .
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