Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 11-7. A JavaFX Application Using Nashorn Script
// greeter.js
// Load Nashorn predefined scripts to import JavaFX specific classes
// and packages
// Define the start() method of the JavaFX application class
function start(stage) {
var nameLbl = new Label("Enter your name:");
var nameFld = new TextField();
var msg = new Label(); = "-fx-text-fill: blue;";
// Create buttons
var sayHelloBtn = new Button("Say Hello");
var exitBtn = new Button("Exit");
// Add the event handler for the Say Hello button
sayHelloBtn.onAction = sayHello;
// Call the same fucntion sayHello() when the user
nameFld.onAction = sayHello;
// Add the event handler for the Exit button
exitBtn.onAction = function() {
// Create the root node
var root = new VBox(); = "-fx-padding: 10;" +
"-fx-border-style: solid inside;" +
"-fx-border-width: 2;" +
"-fx-border-insets: 5;" +
"-fx-border-radius: 5;" +
"-fx-border-color: blue;";
// Set the vertical spacing between children to 5px
root.spacing = 5;
// Add children to the root node
root.children.addAll(msg, new HBox(nameLbl, nameFld,
sayHelloBtn, exitBtn));
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