Java Reference
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The Java 8 ships a command-line tool called jjs . It is located in the JDK_HOME\bin
directory. It is used to run Nashorn scripts on a command line. The jjs tool supports
many options. It can be invoked to run scripts in a file, in interactive mode, and in
scripting mode.
If you do not specify any options or script files, jjs is run in interactive mode.
In interactive mode, scripts are interpreted as they are entered.
If you invoke jjs using the -scripting option, it is run in scripting mode, allowing
you to use any operating system-specific shell commands. Shell commands are enclosed
in back quotes. In scripting mode, the jjs tool supports heredocs in script files. If a script
file starts with the # sign, running the script file automatically enables scripting mode.
This supports executing scripts that contains a shebang ( #! at the beginning of the script).
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