Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 10-1. ( continued )
Enables strict mode where the scripts are executed
using the ECMAScript Edition 5.1 standards.
The default is false .
Sets the time zone for the script execution.
The default time zone is Chicago/America.
Enables the callsite trace mode. Valid options are
miss (traces callsite misses), enterexit (traces
callsite enter/exit), and objects (prints object
properties). Specify multiple options by separating
them with commas:
Verifies the bytecode before running. The default is
false .
Prints the version of the Nashorn engine.
The default is false .
Prints extended help. The default is false .
Using jjs in Interactive Mode
If you run jjs without specifying any options or script files, it is run in interactive mode.
The script is interpreted as you enter it. Recall that strings in Nashorn can be enclosed in
single quotes or double quotes.
The following are some examples of using the jjs tool in interactive mode. It is assumed
that you have included the path to the jjs tool in the PATH environment variable on your
machine. If you have not done so, you can replace jjs with JDK_HOME\bin\jjs in the
following command. Remember to execute the quit() or exit() function to exit the jjs tool:
jjs> "Hello Nashorn"
Hello Nashorn
jjs> "Hello".toLowerCase();
jjs> var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
jjs> var sum = 0;
jjs> for each (x in list) { sum = sum + x};
jjs> quit()
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