Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 10-1. ( continued )
Reports invalid lvalue expressions as early errors
when the code is parsed. By default, it is set to true .
When set to false, invalid lvalue expressions are
reported when the code is executed.
Preserves empty statements in the Java abstract
syntax tree (AST). By default, it is set to false .
Prints the full version of the Nashorn engine.
--function-statement-error Prints an error message when a function declaration
is used as a statement. The default is set to false .
--function-statement-warning Prints a warning message when a function declaration
is used as a statement. The default is set to false .
Launches the script as a JavaFX application.
Uses a single global instance per script engine
instance. The default is false .
Outputs the help message and exits.
Passes the specified <flag> to the JVM.
Specifies the ECMAScript language version. Valid
values are es5 and es6 . The default is es5 .
Enables lazy code generation strategies by not
compiling the entire script at once. The default is true .
Creates a new class loader per compile. The default
is true .
Sets the locale for script execution. The default is
en-US .
Enables logging of a given level for a given number
of subsystems, for example, --log=fields:finest,
codegen:info . Logging for multiple subsystems are
separated by commas.
Disables Java support. The default is false , meaning
that using Java classes in scripts are allowed.
Disallows nonstandard syntax extensions. The
default is false .
( continued )
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