Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Because typed arrays are array-like objects, you can use most of the methods of the
Array object on typed arrays. The following code shows how to use the join() method to
concatenate elements of an Int32Array :
// Create an Int32Array of 4 elements
var ids = new Int32Array(4);
// Populate the array
ids[0] = 101;
ids[1] = 102;
ids[2] = 103;
ids[3] = 104;
// Call the join() method of the Array.prototype object and print the result
var idsList =;
DataView View
The DataView view provides low-level interface to read and write different types of data
from an ArrayBuffer . Typically, you use a DataView when the data in an ArrayBuffer
contains different types of data in different regions of the same ArrayBuffer . Notice that
DataView is not a typed array; it is simply a view of an ArrayBuffer . The signature of the
DataView constructor is:
DataView(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength)
It creates a view of the specified arrayBuffer referencing byteLength bytes from
byteOffset index. If byteLength is unspecified, it references arrayBuffer starting
at byteOffset and to the end. If both byteOffset and byteLength are unspecified, it
references the entre arrayBuffer .
Unlike typed array view types, the DataView object can use mixed data types values,
so it does not have a length property. Like typed arrays, it has buffer , byteOffset , and
byteLength properties. It contains the following getter and setter methods for reading
and writing different types of values:
getInt16(byteOffset, littleEndian)
getUint16(byteOffset, littleEndian)
getInt32(byteOffset, littleEndian)
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