Java Reference
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The specification for typed array implemented by Nashorn contains an isView(args)
static method in the ArrayBuffer object. However, it does not seem to be implemented
by Nashorn in Java 8u40. A bug has been filed at
browse/JDK-8061959 . The method returns true if the specified argument represents
an array buffer view. For example, if you pass an object like Int8Array , Int16Array ,
DataView , and so on to this method, it returns true , because these objects represent an
array buffer view. If you pass a simple object or a primitive value to this method, it returns
false . The following code shows how to use this method. Note that as of Java 8u40, this
method does not exist in Nashorn and the code will throw an exception:
// Creates an array buffer view of length 4
var int8View = new Int8Array(4);
// Assigns true to isView1
var isView1 = ArrayBuffer.isView(int8View);
// Assigns false to isView2
var isView2 = ArrayBuffer.isView({});
The ArrayBuffer object contains a slice(start, end) method that creates and
returns a new ArrayBuffer whose contents are a copy of the original ArrayBuffer
from the index start , inclusive, up to end , exclusive. If start or end is negative, it
refers to an index from the end of the buffer. If end is unspecified, it defaults to the
byteLength property of the ArrayBuffer . Both start and end are clamped between 0 and
byteLength—1 . The following code shows how to use the slice() method:
// Create an ArrayBuffer of 4 bytes. Bytes have indexes 0, 1, 2, and 3
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4);
// Manipulate buffer using one of the typed views here...
// Copy the last 2 bytes from buffer to buffer2
var buffer2 = buffer.slice(2, 4);
// Copy the bytes from buffer from index 1 to the end (last 3 bytes)
// to buffer3
var buffer3 = buffer.slice(1);
Views of an ArrayBuffer
There are two types of views of an ArrayBuffer :
Typed Array Views
DataView Views
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