Java Reference
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Nashorn contains several built-in global objects and functions. Object , Function ,
String , Number , and Boolean are examples of built-in objects. parseInt() , parseFloat() ,
load() , and loadWithNewGlobal() are examples of global functions.
A regular expression represents a pattern in text. Nashorn contains a RegExp built-in
object whose instances represent regular expressions. You can also use regular expression
literals to represent RegExp objects. A regular expression literal is enclosed in forward
slashes and optionally followed by flags that define high-level text matching rules. /Java/gi
is an example of a regular expression literal that will perform a global, case-insensitive
match for the text Java . The RegExp object contains test() and exec() method to
perform matches on input text. Several methods such as replace() and match() of the
String object take regular expressions as arguments to perform operation such as match
and find-and-replace.
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