Java Reference
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When the createFunction1() creates a new function using the Function object,
the new function doesn't capture the local empId , rather it captures the global empId .
However, when a nested function is declared inside the createFunction2() function, the
new function captures the local empId . The output verifies this rule.
The String Object
The String object is a function. It can be used simply as a function or a constructor. When
it is used as a function, it converts the argument to a primitive type string value. The
following is an example of using String as a function:
var str1 = String(100); // Returns "100"
var str2 = String(); // Returns ""
When String is used as a constructor, it creates a new String object with its contents
as the passed argument:
// Create a String object
var str = new String("Hello");
Each character in the String object is assigned an index. The first character is
assigned an index of 0, the second 1, and so on. Every String object has a read-only
property named length that contains the number of characters in the string.
String.prototype contains many useful methods to manipulate String objects
and get its contents in different ways. Table 4-12 lists those methods. Notice that you
can use all String object methods on a primitive string value; the primitive string will be
automatically converted to a String object before applying the method.
Table 4-12. The List of Methods of in String.prototype with Their Descriptions
charAt(index) Returns the character at the specified index as a
primitive string value
charCodeAt(index) Returns the Unicode value of the character at the
specified index
concat(arg1, arg2, ...) Returns a primitive string concatenating the contents of
the object and the specified arguments
indexOf(substring, start) Returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring
in the object. The search starts at start . If start is not
passed, the search starts at index 0
It works the same way as the indexOf() method, except
that it searches for the substring from the end of the
( continued )
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