Java Reference
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// Add a color property and set it to undefined, and then, perform the check
colorPoint2D.color = undefined;
colorExists = "color" in colorPoint2D;
print("Property color exists: " + colorExists + ", color = " +
Property x exists: true, x = 10
Property color exists: false, color = undefined
Property color exists: true, color = undefined
The following statement creates an object with three properties; two of them
contain data values and another a function. It shows you how to use the property that is a
function. You need to call the function passing the arguments, if any:
// A person object with fName, lName, and getFullName properties
var john = {fName: "John",
lName: "Jacobs",
getFullName: function () {
return this.fName + " " + this.lName;
var fullName = john.getFullName();
print("Full name is " + fullName);
Full name is John Jacobs
Notice the use of the keyword this inside the function. The keyword this refers to
the object on which the function is called.
if the data property of an object has a function as its value, such a function is
known as a method of the object. in other words, a method is a function defined as a
property of an object.
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